भैरव कीला तारा काली अस्त्र : एक घातक तंत्र शस्त्र

भैरव कीला Bhairava Kila

The भैरव कीला Bhairava Kila is a powerful tantric weapon that every practitioner should include in their rituals. I

The भैरव कीला, named after the fierce deity Bhairava, is imbued with the energy and essence of this fearsome form of Lord Shiva. In tantric practices, Bhairava is known as the protector and destroyer of negative forces. The kila (dagger or peg) itself is a representation of his power to pierce through and eliminate all forms of negativity.

This instrument is used in various esoteric rituals. When used in vashikaran, it helps the practitioner attract and influence individuals, situations, or energies. In uchchatan, it serves as a tool to dispel obstacles, adversities, and malevolent forces that may be hindering one’s progress. The mohan aspect of the kila can enchant or cast a spell over situations, making it favorable for the user. Furthermore, it is said to be potent in rituals aimed at bringing back lost opportunities, relationships, or people who have moved away, thus realigning the practitioner with their desired path.

In the domains of career and business, the भैरव कीला is used to break through barriers, overcome competition, and pave the way for success. Its presence in the practitioner’s space is believed to foster an environment charged with protective and empowering energies, ensuring that their endeavors are safeguarded and propelled toward growth.

भैरव कीला एक घातक तंत्र शस्त्र है जो प्रत्येक साधक को अपने पूजन में रखना चाइए। इसका प्रयोग किसी वशीकरण, उच्चाटन, मोहन में और भागे को वापस बुलाने में अत्यंत कारगर है । जिसके माध्यम से नौकरी व व्यापार के क्षेत्र में आने वाली अड़चनों को दूर किया जा सकता है

महाविद्या तारा व काली अस्त्र

The Mahavidya Tara and Kali are two powerful goddesses in the Hindu tantric tradition, representing fierce aspects of the Divine Feminine. Their weapons or astras are not just physical objects but are imbued with potent spiritual energy, designed to protect the practitioner and to reflect harmful intentions back to their source.

यदि कोई व्यक्ति परेशान करता है इस देवी अस्त्र से उसकी क्रिया उस पर ही उल्टी पड जायेगा
यदि कोई व्यक्ति किसी को सम्मोहित करना चाहता है अच्छे कर्म के लिए तो इस देवी अस्त्र का प्रयोग करना शुभ है

  1. Mahavidya Tara: Tara is one of the ten Mahavidyas, the great wisdom goddesses in the tantric tradition. She is often depicted as a compassionate yet fierce deity, who aids her devotees in times of crisis. Her weapon is known to dissolve obstacles and remove the influence of evil forces. When invoked, Tara’s astra acts as a shield that not only protects but also turns negative energies back to the originator, ensuring that their malicious intent harms only themselves.
  2. Goddess Kali: Kali, another of the ten Mahavidyas, is the ultimate representation of time, change, power, and destruction of evil. Her astras are symbols of her ability to cut through illusions and ego. In tantric practices, Kali’s weapons are invoked to destroy negative influences and to bring about transformation. When used correctly, her weapon can serve to negate the harm caused by others, reflecting their negativity back upon them.
  3. Application in Practices:
    • For Protection: If an individual faces harm, jealousy, or malice from others, invoking the weapons of Tara or Kali can provide potent protection. The divine energy of these weapons acts as a mirror, returning the ill-will to its sender, thereby neutralizing their negative intentions.
    • For Enchantment (Sammohan): When used for righteous purposes, such as the betterment of oneself or others, the astras can also aid in the practice of sammohan or enchantment. It is important, however, that this power is used ethically, with pure intentions. Using these energies to manipulate or control others for selfish or harmful reasons is strongly discouraged in tantric tradition. The focus is on using these divine tools to bring harmony, restore balance, and promote positive outcomes.

About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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