What Is Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali? Discover Its Hidden Mysteries

Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali


Bagalamukhi, also known as Bagala, is the eighth of the ten Mahavidyas. In Hinduism, Mahavidyas are considered ten aspects of the Divine Mother, each representing a unique facet of the cosmos. Bagalamukhi is particularly known for her power to stun and silence enemies, symbolizing the force that halts negativity and falsehood. This blog delves into her nature, the Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali (a list of 108 names dedicated to her), and her significance in the Tantrik tradition.

1. Who is Bagalamukhi?

Bagalamukhi literally translates to “The Crane-Headed One.” The crane is known for its deceptive nature and calm demeanor while stalking its prey, embodying the essence of Bagalamukhi’s energy. She is often associated with stillness, silence, and the power to paralyze speech and actions. Bagalamukhi is believed to grant victory over adversaries and control over harmful gossip or slander. As the Shakti of cruelty, she represents the courage to stop injustice and protect righteousness.

2. The Power of Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali

The Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali consists of 113 names (though traditionally 108 is the expected number in Ashtottara). Each name embodies a unique aspect of her divinity. Reciting these names can invoke her power, bringing clarity, protection, and the ability to overcome obstacles. They serve as a meditative practice that aligns the devotee with her energy, fortifying one’s resolve against negative influences.

3. The Iconography of Bagalamukhi

Bagalamukhi is depicted as a fierce goddess with three eyes. She is adorned in yellow clothes and jewels, symbolizing illumination and knowledge. In her iconography, she holds the tongue of a demon or enemy in her right hand while piercing him with a spear in the other. This imagery represents her ability to paralyze and subdue forces that threaten the harmony and truth in the universe.

Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali

4. Names and Meanings of Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali

The Bagalamukhi Ashtottara Shatanamavali is a collection of names that reveal her diverse aspects. Here are some of the names with their meanings:

  1. ॐ बगलायै नमः।
  2. ॐ विष्णुवनितायै नमः।
  3. ॐ विष्णुशंकराभमिन्यै नमः।
  4. ॐ बहुलायै नमः।
  5. ॐ वेदमात्रे नमः।
  6. ॐ महाविष्णुप्रस्वै नमः।
  7. ॐ महामत्स्यायै नमः।
  8. ॐ महाकूर्म्यै नमः।
  9. ॐ महावराहरूपिण्यै नमः।
  10. ॐ नरसिंहप्रियायै नमः।
  11. ॐ रम्यायै नमः।
  12. ॐ वामनायै नमः।
  13. ॐ बटुरूपिण्यै नमः।
  14. ॐ जमदग्न्यस्वरूपायै नमः।
  15. ॐ रामायै नमः।
  16. ॐ रामप्रपूजितायै नमः।
  17. ॐ कृष्णायै नमः।
  18. ॐ कपर्दिन्यै नमः।
  19. ॐ कृत्यायै नमः।
  20. ॐ कालायै नमः।
  21. ॐ कालकारिण्यै नमः।
  22. ॐ बुद्धिरूपायै नमः।
  23. ॐ बुद्धभायरायै नमः।
  24. ॐ बौद्धपाखंडखण्डिन्यै नमः।
  25. ॐ कल्कि रूपायै नमः।
  26. ॐ कलिहारायै नमः।
  27. ॐ कलिदुर्गतिनाशिन्यै नमः।
  28. ॐ कोटिसूर्यप्रतीकाशायै नमः।
  29. ॐ कोटिकंदर्पमोहिन्यै नमः।
  30. ॐ केवलायै नमः।
  31. ॐ कठिनायै नमः।
  32. ॐ कल्यै नमः।
  33. ॐ कालायै नमः।
  34. ॐ कैवल्यदायिन्यै नमः।
  35. ॐ केशवायै नमः।
  36. ॐ केशवराध्यायै नमः।
  37. ॐ किशोरायै नमः।
  38. ॐ केशवस्तुतायै नमः।
  39. ॐ रुद्ररूपायै नमः।
  40. ॐ रुद्रमूर्त्यै नमः।
  41. ॐ रुद्राण्यै नमः।
  42. ॐ रुद्रदेवतायै नमः।
  43. ॐ नक्षत्ररूपायै नमः।
  44. ॐ नक्षत्रायै नमः।
  45. ॐ नक्षत्रेशप्रपूजितायै नमः।
  46. ॐ नक्षत्रेशप्रियायै नमः।
  47. ॐ नित्यायै नमः।
  48. ॐ नक्षत्रपति वंदितायै नमः।
  49. ॐ नागिन्यै नमः।
  50. ॐ नागजनन्यै नमः।
  51. ॐ नागराजप्रवंदितायै नमः।
  52. ॐ नागेश्वर्यै नमः।
  53. ॐ नागकन्यायै नमः।
  54. ॐ नागर्यै नमः।
  55. ॐ नागात्मजायै नमः।
  56. ॐ नागाधिराजतनयायै नमः।
  57. ॐ नागराजप्रपूजितायै नमः।
  58. ॐ नवीननीरदायै नमः।
  59. ॐ पीतायै नमः।
  60. ॐ श्यामायै नमः।
  61. ॐ सौन्दर्यकारिण्यै नमः।
  62. ॐ रक्तायै नमः।
  63. ॐ नीलायै नमः।
  64. ॐ घनायै नमः।
  65. ॐ शुभ्रायै नमः।
  66. ॐ श्वेतायै नमः।
  67. ॐ सौभाग्यदायिन्यै नमः।
  68. ॐ सुंदार्यै नमः।
  69. ॐ सौभाग्यायै नमः।
  70. ॐ सौम्यायै नमः।
  71. ॐ स्वर्णाभायै नमः।
  72. ॐ स्वर्गतिप्रदायै नमः।
  73. ॐ रिपुत्रसकार्यै नमः।
  74. ॐ रेखायै नमः।
  75. ॐ शत्रुसंहारकारिण्यै नमः।
  76. ॐ भामिन्यै नमः।
  77. ॐ मायायै नमः।
  78. ॐ स्तंभिन्यै नमः।
  79. ॐ मोहिन्यै नमः।
  80. ॐ शुभायै नमः।
  81. ॐ रागद्वेषकारिण्यै नमः।
  82. ॐ रात्र्यै नमः।
  83. ॐ रौरवध्वंसकारिण्यै नमः।
  84. ॐ यक्षिण्यै नमः।
  85. ॐ सिद्धनिवाहायै नमः।
  86. ॐ सिद्धेशायै नमः।
  87. ॐ सिद्धिरूपिण्यै नमः।
  88. ॐ लंकापतिध्वंसकार्यै नमः।
  89. ॐ लंकेशरिपुवंदितायै नमः।
  90. ॐ लंकानाथकुलहारायै नमः।
  91. ॐ महारावणहारिण्यै नमः।
  92. ॐ देवदानवसिद्धोघपूजितायै नमः।
  93. ॐ परमेश्वर्यै नमः।
  94. ॐ परानुरूपायै नमः।
  95. ॐ परमायै नमः।
  96. ॐ परतंत्रविनाशिन्यै नमः।
  97. ॐ वरदायै नमः।
  98. ॐ वरदाराध्यायै नमः।
  99. ॐ वरदानपरायणायै नमः।
  100. ॐ वरदेशप्रियायै नमः।
  101. ॐ वीरायै नमः।
  102. ॐ वीरभूषणाभूषितायै नमः।
  103. ॐ वसुदायै नमः।
  104. ॐ बहुदायै नमः।
  105. ॐ वन्यायै नमः।
  106. ॐ ब्रह्मरूपायै नमः।
  107. ॐ वरणनायै नमः।
  108. ॐ बलदायै नमः।
  109. ॐ पीतवसनायै नमः।
  110. ॐ पीतभूषणाभूषितायै नमः।
  111. ॐ पीतपुष्पप्रियायै नमः।
  112. ॐ पीतहरायै नमः।
  113. ॐ पीतस्वरूपिण्यै नमः।

Interview of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

5. The Inner Meaning of Bagalamukhi’s Power

Bagalamukhi’s power extends beyond the mere silencing of enemies. She represents the higher truth that can stop the mind’s endless chatter and deceitful tendencies. The image of her holding the tongue symbolizes control over speech, both external and internal. By invoking Bagalamukhi, one seeks to silence the ego, the constant inner dialogue that distracts from the essence of being.

6. Worship and Importance in Tantra

In Tantric traditions, Bagalamukhi is regarded as a powerful deity whose worship requires guidance and discipline. She is worshipped not for malefic intentions but to gain control over one’s own flaws and to seek protection from external negativity. The ritualistic worship of Bagalamukhi involves the chanting of her names and mantras, performed under the guidance of a Siddha Guru. Her energy is potent and is used to bring about positive transformation when approached with sincerity and purity of heart.

Karna Pishachini Sadhana Experience: The Perilous Path

7. Conclusion

Bagalamukhi, the eighth Mahavidya, is the fierce embodiment of divine power that can halt falsehood and negativity. Her Ashtottara Shatanamavali encapsulates her vast nature, each name offering a facet of her mighty presence. Through her worship, devotees seek not only to overcome external obstacles but also to silence the internal distractions that prevent spiritual growth. As with all powerful Tantric practices, her worship should be undertaken with respect, under proper guidance, to fully realize the transformative potential of this incredible Mahavidya.

It is very crucial for one to have a competent guru to dive deeper in Bagalamukhi tantric lineage.

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Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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