Karna Pishachini Sadhana Experience: The Perilous Path

Karna Pishachini Sadhana

Karna Pishachini is a powerful and enigmatic entity in Tantric traditions, known for her ability to reveal hidden knowledge and secrets. Often considered a lower realm spirit, Karna Pishachini is associated with the ear (karna) and is said to whisper arcane wisdom directly into the practitioner’s ear. Her sadhana, or spiritual practice, is regarded as both potent and perilous, attracting those seeking esoteric knowledge and supernatural abilities.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Karna Pishachini Sadhana
  2. Personal Experience: The Initial Encounter
  3. The Challenges Faced During the Sadhana
  4. The Turning Point: Transformation and Guidance
  5. Final Day and Revelations
  6. Invitation to Practitioners and Sadhaks
  7. Conclusion

Introduction to Karna Pishachini Sadhana

Jai Shri Kaal Bhairav!

Today, I am sharing with you a profound journey into the mystical practice known as Karna Pishachini Sadhana. This ancient and powerful sadhana is shrouded in mystery and is often regarded with both awe and fear. Many know Karna Pishachini as a frightening and disturbing entity, capable of revealing the past and present. However, few understand the depth of the practice associated with this entity, which has been known to unlock secrets that are beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

Karna Pishachini Sadhana of sadgurudev shri taramani ji

To understand more about Karna Pishachini Sadhana please get in touch with Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Personal Experience: The Initial Encounter

Early Spiritual Journey

Just as everyone has curiosity, during my period of practice, I too had the curiosity that I should try Karna Pishachini, but since I had been worshipping Lord Bhairav from childhood, performing rituals of Gayatri, Kali, and other Mahavidyas, the thought of practicing something from a lower realm never came to my heart.

Influence of Rahu and Meeting with Tantriks

However, there came a time, influenced by Rahu’s period, when I got associated with Kapaliks, Aghoris, and such sages and tantriks who were experts in practices related to Maran (destructive rituals), spirits, ghosts, jinns, and Brahmarakshas. Some were from Assam, Bengal, and Kamakhya, while some were from South India, North India, and Nepal. During that time with them, I learned a lot, gained a lot of knowledge, and during that period, the desire arose within me to understand what this Karna Pishachini practice is, as it is known to be very proficient in revealing the past and present, though it is weaker when it comes to predicting the future.

Awakened Senses and Natural Abilities

Since I had already undertaken many practices from a young age and due to the effects of performing various practices, many of my senses were already awakened. I had mastered Tratak, and through that, I could know many things naturally without using any external power. If someone asked something, the answer would come naturally. If someone was about to say something, I would know in advance and would say it before they could, surprising them as to how I knew what they were going to say.

Encounter with the Baba in Haridwar

When I was wandering with these sages and saints, I first met a Baba in Haridwar. I spent three days and three nights with him at the riverbank. He would only mutter and mumble and at times, he would mutter so much that it was difficult to understand what he was saying, requiring intense focus to listen. Anyway, I befriended him as when I approached him with some food, he immediately asked for alcohol. He said, “Bring me some alcohol.” I told him to wait, and by the time I returned with it, he had disappeared. I waited there for two or three hours, as he had said something about me that made me feel that he must possess some kind of power or Siddhi. After waiting for three hours, the Baba returned and asked if I had brought the alcohol. I said I had, and he asked me to follow him.

The Ritual by the Riverbank

We walked along the riverbank to a place far from the city, where the jungle started, and the riverbank was isolated. He took the alcohol and started sprinkling it in an unknown place. As he was sprinkling it, he suddenly looked at me and said, “You are a devotee of Bhairav; sit behind me.” He sent me quite far back, where he could barely see me. It was dusk, and I noticed some strange movements, like shadows of three or four figures. He offered something there, and after sprinkling some alcohol, he placed something from his bag there and returned, drinking the rest of the alcohol.

The Baba’s Revelations

He came back to me and asked, “What do you want? Why have you come?” At that time, I didn’t desire anything else; only a question arose within me about how to perform the Karna Pishachini practice. But it wasn’t strong enough for me to express it to anyone. So, I told him that I am a wanderer in search of knowledge related to Baba (Bhairav), and upon hearing this, his face suddenly turned pale with fear. With trembling lips, he said that it is a very dangerous power and that he couldn’t tell me anything about it. He also mentioned that Bhairav is always with me, so why would I need something like that?

Deepening Interest in Karna Pishachini

Over the course of three days, he slowly revealed many secrets related to Karna Pishachini, like why she whispers into the ear, how she reveals the past and present, what offerings she requires, and why those offerings are necessary. My curiosity grew even more as he shared these details. Later, when I was deep into my practices with other gurus, I found myself in the midst of extremely Tamasic practices, which involved every kind of lower-realm practice, from spirits and ghosts to jinns. I was also given the opportunity to practice Yakshini rituals and other similar practices.

Experiences of Karna Pishachini Sadhana

The Challenges Faced During the Sadhana

The Guru’s Assignment

My fellow disciples were often fearful of many things, but I had never known fear since childhood, and I was always eager to take on any practice. My Guru, recognizing my curiosity, suggested that I perform the Karna Pishachini ritual. Seeing my curiosity, he gave me a mantra and some secrets about the practice. I told him that I wanted to perform it by the riverside. He then described the place in detail, mentioning which powers resided there, how to protect myself, how to create a protective circle, and when to recite which mantra if any power appeared.

The First Night’s Experience

So, I set out for a 41-day practice, with my Guru’s blessings. On the first night, around 9:30 PM, I was at the riverside, surrounded by an eerie silence. Although I had spent many nights alone by riversides, in forests, and near waterfalls, this silence was different, unnatural. Still, I began the practice as instructed by my Guru, and as I started reciting the mantra, I noticed a strange shadow or mist rising in the distance. It would sometimes come close, then move away, changing shapes from a child to an old person, from a woman to an elderly lady, and even a young woman. The figure kept moving around me, sometimes far, sometimes near, and as I continued the mantra, its intensity increased.

I was by the riverside, and the water level rose so high that it reached above my knees. I thought I should leave because the water level was getting dangerously high, but the Guru’s order was to continue the practice, no matter what. I had a vow that once I sat for a practice, I wouldn’t leave until I completed the designated number of recitations. That has always been my resolution, and to this day, I follow it. Seeing my stubbornness and my dedication to the practice, my Guru gave me every kind of practice that was not given to others. As I continued the mantra, the disturbances around me intensified.

The Third Night’s Encounter

On the first night, I experienced this. On the second night, there were some ordinary events. But on the third night, as I was about to start the practice, I was stopped by a voice from behind, warning me not to go, as it was dangerous. But I had to go as per the Guru’s command. The place was a forest, by the riverside, at night, and the presence of wild animals was common. The forest seemed unusually calm, unlike the previous night. I went to my designated spot and saw two glowing eyes. I couldn’t tell if it was an animal, a human, or some other power. The eyes moved closer from across the river, where it seemed something was drinking water.

The eyes slowly approached me, and I felt a thrill running through me, wondering what kind of power this was. Suddenly, the eyes were right in front of me, and my recitation continued uninterrupted. Until I finished my recitation around 2 AM, those eyes kept staring at me without blinking. After finishing the practice, I gave my thanks and left the place. Those eyes then started following me 24/7, whether it was day or night.

The Guru’s Guidance

I asked my Guru, but he always instructed me to complete the practice first without asking questions, as he was watching over me. So, following his instructions, I stopped asking questions and continued with my practice.

Strange Sounds and Voices

Slowly, as I progressed, I started hearing strange sounds in my ears, like a guitar being played out of tune, or strange, loud noises that were hard to understand. The sounds seemed alien, not belonging to this world. Several days passed with many such experiences, and after about 10 or 11 days, these sounds began to become clearer, as if someone was speaking to me.

As these sounds became more distinct, I felt a thrill, realizing that this was why I was sitting here. The sounds were melodious, with a strange intoxication, like someone was trying to explain or tell me something with great love. The voices didn’t follow any specific topic or subject; they just started revealing various things, like the presence of a sadhu nearby, the history of a mountain or a tree, and what different spirits were present in the area.

Communication with Karna Pishachini

The most notable thing was that while the voice spoke continuously, I wasn’t communicating back, which sometimes made the voice seem upset with me for not responding. As I continued my practice, more mysteries of Karna Pishachini were revealed, like who her companions were, which powers accompanied her, and what connected her to the ear.

Karna Pishachini gave me many hints about different rituals and practices. She explained why her connection to the ear is significant, which later, during solitary meditation, was revealed to me. Many powers also awaken during meditation, similar to Karna Pishachini. When we invoke any power through Tantra, or specifically talk about Karna Pishachini, we refer to a lower-realm power. These powers are generated within us, transforming from their original form into something new. Like Karna Pishachini, they start working within us, though they do not remain in their original form but change into something else.

During my practice, I felt her presence so strongly that it seemed like I could directly communicate with her and get answers. She could reveal things related to me, like events from my past and present, and sometimes even future predictions, although they weren’t always entirely accurate.

The Turning Point: Transformation and Guidance

About 30 days had passed when that young woman began dancing in front of me—dancing naked, doing strange things. At times, she would weep, sometimes she would laugh, and other times she would get so close to me that I could feel her breath. During these moments, I tried my best to maintain focus and not get distracted, as the aim of the practice was to maintain inner stability and concentration. However, these tests of my mental strength were becoming increasingly difficult.

I realized that this was the time when most people fail to continue, and either abandon the practice or get mentally disturbed. But with the blessings of my Guru and my years of meditation and practices, I remained steadfast. Gradually, her actions became even more bizarre, to the point where she would imitate my actions, mimic my recitations, or even try to provoke me by saying things that were meant to break my focus.

As the days passed, the challenges grew tougher. The atmosphere became more intense; I would hear unsettling noises around me—sounds of crying, howling, and eerie whispers in the night. However, I was determined not to let any of this affect my practice. I had faith in my Guru and knew that these were just tests of my resolve and commitment.

Final Day and Revelations

Finally, towards the end of the practice, she became very calm, as if she had surrendered. She stopped her strange behavior and started to behave normally. I could feel that her energy had changed, that she had accepted my authority and my resolve. By the end of the 41-day practice, she had become more like a guide, helping me understand things rather than trying to distract me.

On the final day, after completing the last recitation, she appeared in front of me and spoke. Her voice was soft yet powerful, and she thanked me for my perseverance. She revealed many secrets about the world of spirits, energies, and the mystical practices that connect us to them. She also offered me her blessings, saying that I could call upon her whenever I needed guidance, and that she would be there to assist me.

With her words, I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and peace. The practice had not only tested my mental and spiritual strength but had also opened up a new dimension of knowledge and understanding for me. I thanked her for her teachings and bid her farewell.

As I walked away from the riverside that night, I felt a profound sense of connection with the spiritual world, a feeling of being guided and protected by forces beyond our understanding. The experience with Karna Pishachini was transformative, and it left a lasting impression on my spiritual journey.

You can read more about how Karna Pishachini is perfected via Aghor path in this medium article.

Invitation to Practitioners and Sadhaks

We invite dedicated practitioners and sadhaks to participate in the sacred and powerful Karna Pishachini Sadhana. This ancient practice, steeped in mysticism and spiritual depth, is a unique opportunity to connect with the hidden energies of the universe and unlock the secrets of divine wisdom. Through this sadhana, you will embark on a transformative journey that will challenge your resolve, test your spiritual strength, and ultimately lead you to profound revelations.


The journey of Karna Pishachini Sadhana is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences a sadhak can undertake. It is a practice that not only reveals the hidden truths of the spiritual world but also transforms the practitioner, opening up new realms of knowledge and wisdom. For those who are ready to embark on this path, the rewards are immense, and the experiences are life-changing.

It is very crucial for one to have a competent guru to dive deeper in tantric lineage. If you are interested then please do check this link.

About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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