Powerful Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra

Shri Kaal Bhairava Ashram

Introduction to Kaal Bhairava and Adi Shankaracharya

Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra is a powerful hymn dedicated to Kaal Bhairava, a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva. Kaal Bhairava is the guardian of time and the protector of the cosmic order, revered by devotees for his ability to destroy ignorance and evil. He is often depicted holding a trident, drum, sword, and a skull in his hands, symbolizing his control over creation, preservation, and destruction.

The Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra was composed by Adi Shankaracharya, one of India’s most revered philosophers and theologians. As a devoted follower of Lord Shiva, Adi Shankaracharya traveled across India, spreading the teachings of Advaita Vedanta—the philosophy of non-dualism. His works, including the Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra, are celebrated for their spiritual depth and poetic excellence.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra
  2. Verse-by-Verse Interpretation
  • Verse 1: The Crescent-Wearing Bhairava
  • Verse 2: The Poet and the Protector
  • Verse 3: The Remover of Sorrow
  • Verse 4: The Wealth of Samadhi
  • Verse 5: The Far-Reaching Bhairava
  1. Benefits of Reciting the Stotra
  2. Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Kaal Bhairava

Understanding Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra

The Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra is a powerful hymn composed by Adi Shankaracharya. It consists of five verses that glorify Kaal Bhairava, highlighting his attributes, his power to protect devotees, and his role in guiding them toward spiritual liberation. Each verse encapsulates a unique aspect of Kaal Bhairava, offering devotees a way to connect with the divine energy and seek blessings.

Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra

To understand more about Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra please get initiated into tantric Bhairava practice.

Verse-by-Verse Interpretation

Verse 1: The Crescent-Wearing Bhairava

खड़गं कपालं डमरुं त्रिशूलं हस्ताम्बुजे संदधतं त्रिनेत्रम् |
दिगम्बरं भस्मविभूषिताङ्ग नमाम्यहं भैरवमिन्दुचूडम् || १ ||

Translation: “I salute Bhairava, who wears the crescent moon, holds a sword, skull, drum, and trident in his lotus-like hands, wears the directions as his garment, and whose body is adorned with sacred ash.”

Interpretation: In this verse, Kaal Bhairava is depicted as a fearsome yet protective deity, who controls time and death. His crescent moon symbolizes the waxing and waning phases of life, while the sword, skull, and trident signify his power to destroy ignorance and evil. The sacred ash covering his body represents purity and the transcendence of physical existence.

Verse 2: The Poet and the Protector

कवित्वदं सत्वरमेव मोदा- न्नतालये शम्भुमनोऽभिरामम् |
नमामि यानीकृतसारमेयं भवाब्धिपारं गमयन्तमाशु || २ ||

Translation: “I salute Bhairava, who inspires poetry and grants boons swiftly, who is dear to Shambhu’s mind, and who made his dog famous, guiding us to cross the ocean of worldly existence.”

Interpretation: Kaal Bhairava is portrayed as a divine poet and quick benefactor, whose presence brings joy and liberation. The reference to Shambhu (another name for Shiva) indicates his close connection to the Supreme Lord. The mention of his dog highlights Bhairava’s role as a protector, guiding souls through the challenges of life and leading them to spiritual freedom.

Verse 3: The Remover of Sorrow

जरादिदुःखौघविभेददक्ष विरागिसंसेव्यपदारविन्दम् ।
नराधिपत्वप्रदमाशु नन्त्रे सुराधिपं भैरवमानतोऽस्मि || ३ ||

Translation: “I salute Bhairava, who wears the crescent moon, who alleviates the sorrows of old age, whose feet are worshipped by saints, and who is the lord of men and great sages.”

Interpretation: This verse emphasizes Kaal Bhairava’s compassionate nature as the remover of suffering. His feet, venerated by saints, are symbolic of the ultimate refuge for those seeking relief from the pains of life. As the lord of sages, Bhairava is the master of both worldly and spiritual knowledge.

Verse 4: The Wealth of Samadhi

शमादिसंपत्प्रदमानतेभ्यो रमाधवाद्यर्चितपादपद्मम् ।
समाधिनिष्ठस्तरसाधिगम्यं नमाम्यहं भैरवमादिनाथम् || ४ ||

Translation: “I salute Bhairava, who wears the crescent moon, whose first wealth is Samadhi, whose feet are worshipped by Rama, and who attains Samadhi effortlessly.”

Interpretation: Kaal Bhairava is revered as the embodiment of spiritual wealth, with Samadhi (deep meditation) being his primary treasure. The mention of Rama worshipping his feet signifies Bhairava’s divine stature, while his effortless entry into Samadhi highlights his mastery over the mind and senses.

Verse 5: The Far-Reaching Bhairava

गिरामगम्यं मनसोऽपि दूरं चराचरस्य प्रभवादिहेतुम् ।
कराक्षिपच्छून्यमथापि रम्यं परावरं भैरवमनतोऽस्मि || ५ ||

Translation: “I salute Bhairava, who wears the crescent moon, who transcends speech and thought, who is the cause of the universe’s dynamism, who is born from nothing yet remains splendid.”

Interpretation: This verse glorifies Kaal Bhairava as the ultimate reality that goes beyond human comprehension. He is the force behind the universe’s creation and destruction, existing beyond the realms of thought and language. Despite being formless, he manifests in the most magnificent forms, guiding all of creation.

Benefits of Reciting the Stotra

Reciting the Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra offers numerous spiritual and worldly benefits:

  • Protection from Negative Forces: Chanting these powerful verses invokes Kaal Bhairava’s protection against evil energies, fear, and obstacles.
  • Spiritual Liberation: The stotra helps devotees transcend the cycle of birth and death, leading them towards Moksha (liberation).
  • Mental Peace and Strength: The recitation brings calmness, clarity, and resilience, aiding in overcoming mental and emotional challenges.
  • Blessings of Kaal Bhairava: Regular chanting attracts the divine blessings of Kaal Bhairava, ensuring success, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Kaal Bhairava

The Shri Kaal Bhairava Pancharatna Stotra is not just a hymn; it is a gateway to divine protection and spiritual elevation. Through these verses, Adi Shankaracharya has provided a powerful tool for devotees to connect with Kaal Bhairava and seek his blessings. Embrace the power of this stotra, and let it guide you on your journey to spiritual awakening and liberation.

It is very crucial for one to have a competent guru to dive deeper in Kaal Bhairava tantric lineage. If you are interested then please do check this link.

About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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