Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali: Discover the Powerful 108 Divine Names


Batuka Bhairava is a fierce and protective form of Lord Shiva, revered in the Hindu tradition for his power to remove obstacles, dispel fear, and grant all kinds of wishes. The Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali, which comprises 108 sacred names of Batuka Bhairava, is a powerful stotra that devotees chant to seek his blessings, protection, and guidance.

Table of Contents

  1. The Significance of Batuka Bhairava
  2. The 108 Names of Batuka Bhairava
  3. Benefits of Chanting Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali
  4. Conclusion

The Significance of Batuka Bhairava

Batuka Bhairava, an incarnation of Lord Shiva, is worshipped primarily to ward off evil forces, overcome challenges, and achieve spiritual progress. The 108 names, or Ashtottara Shatanamavali, hold great significance in Hinduism, each name embodying a unique aspect of the divine and invoking the powerful energies of Batuka Bhairava.

Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali: The 108 Names of Batuka Bhairava

To understand more about Batuka Bhairava please get in touch with Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

The 108 Names of Batuka Bhairava (Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali)

वन्दे बालं स्फटिक-सदृशम्, कुन्तलोल्लासि-वक्त्रम्।
दिव्याकल्पैर्नव-मणि-मयैः, किंकिणी-नूपुराढ्यैः॥
दीप्ताकारं विशद-वदनं, सुप्रसन्नं त्रि-नेत्रम्।
हस्ताब्जाभ्यां बटुकमनिशं, शूल-दण्डौ दधानम्॥

  1. भैरवाय नम: – Salutations to Bhairava, the terrifying aspect of Shiva.
  2. भूतनाथाय नम: – Salutations to the Lord of all beings.
  3. भूतात्मने नम: – Salutations to the soul of all beings.
  4. भू-भावनाय नम: – Salutations to the protector of the earth.
  5. क्षेत्रज्ञाय नम: – Salutations to the knower of all fields (bodies).
  6. क्षेत्रपालाय नम: – Salutations to the guardian of sacred lands.
  7. क्षेत्रदाय नम: – Salutations to the giver of sacred lands.
  8. क्षत्रियाय नम: – Salutations to the protector of the righteous.
  9. विराजे नम: – Salutations to the resplendent one.
  10. श्मशानवासिने नम: – Salutations to the dweller of cremation grounds.
  11. मांसाशिने नम: – Salutations to the one who devours flesh.
  12. खर्पराशिने नम: – Salutations to the one who wears a garland of skulls.
  13. स्मारान्तकृते नम: – Salutations to the destroyer of death.
  14. रक्तपाय नम: – Salutations to the one who drinks blood.
  15. पानपाय नम: – Salutations to the one who consumes offerings.
  16. सिद्धाय नम: – Salutations to the accomplished one.
  17. सिद्धिदाय नम: – Salutations to the giver of powers.
  18. सिद्धिसेविताय नम: – Salutations to the one served by accomplished beings.
  19. कंकालाय नम: – Salutations to the skeletal one.
  20. कालशमनाय नम: – Salutations to the subduer of time.
  21. कला-काष्ठा-तनवे नम: – Salutations to the embodiment of time and its divisions.
  22. कवये नम: – Salutations to the wise one.
  23. त्रिनेत्राय नम: – Salutations to the one with three eyes.
  24. बहुनेत्राय नम: – Salutations to the one with many eyes.
  25. पिंगललोचनाय नम: – Salutations to the one with reddish-brown eyes.
  26. शूलपाणाये नम: – Salutations to the one who holds a trident.
  27. खड्गपाणाये नम: – Salutations to the one who wields a sword.
  28. धूम्रलोचनाय नम: – Salutations to the one with smoky eyes.
  29. अभीरवे नम: – Salutations to the fearless one.
  30. भैरवीनाथाय नम: – Salutations to the lord of Bhairavi.
  31. भूतपाय नम: – Salutations to the protector of beings.
  32. योगिनीपतये नम: – Salutations to the lord of Yoginis.
  33. धनदाय नम: – Salutations to the giver of wealth.
  34. अधनहारिणे नम: – Salutations to the remover of poverty.
  35. धनवते नम: – Salutations to the lord of wealth.
  36. प्रतिभागवते नम: – Salutations to the one who shines brilliantly.
  37. नागहाराय नम: – Salutations to the one who wears a serpent as a garland.
  38. नागकेशाय नम: – Salutations to the one with serpentine hair.
  39. व्योमकेशाय नम: – Salutations to the one with sky-like hair.
  40. कपालभृते नम: – Salutations to the one who holds a skull.
  41. कालाय नम: – Salutations to the embodiment of time.
  42. कपालमालिने नम: – Salutations to the one who wears a garland of skulls.
  43. कमनीयाय नम: – Salutations to the desirable one.
  44. कलानिधये नम: – Salutations to the treasure of all arts.
  45. त्रिलोचननाय नम: – Salutations to the three-eyed one.
  46. ज्वलन्नेत्राय नम: – Salutations to the one with blazing eyes.
  47. त्रिशिखिने नम: – Salutations to the one with three locks of hair.
  48. त्रिलोकभृते नम: – Salutations to the sustainer of the three worlds.
  49. त्रिवृत्त-तनयाय नम: – Salutations to the son of the threefold path.
  50. डिम्भाय नम: – Salutations to the youthful one.
  51. शांताय नम: – Salutations to the peaceful one.
  52. शांत-जन-प्रियाय नम: – Salutations to the beloved of peaceful beings.
  53. बटुकाय नम: – Salutations to the youthful form of Bhairava.
  54. बटुवेषाय नम: – Salutations to the one dressed as a young boy.
  55. खट्वांग-वर-धारकाय नम: – Salutations to the bearer of the sacred staff.
  56. भूताध्यक्ष नम: – Salutations to the lord of spirits.
  57. पशुपतये नम: – Salutations to the lord of all beings.
  58. भिक्षुकाय नम: – Salutations to the wandering mendicant.
  59. परिचारकाय नम: – Salutations to the servant of all.
  60. धूर्ताय नम: – Salutations to the cunning one.
  61. दिगंबराय नम: – Salutations to the one clothed in the directions (naked).
  62. शौरये नम: – Salutations to the valiant one.
  63. हरिणाय नम: – Salutations to the one with the form of a deer.
  64. पाण्डुलोचनाय नम: – Salutations to the one with pale eyes.
  65. प्रशांताय नम: – Salutations to the completely peaceful one.
  66. शां‍तिदाय नम: – Salutations to the giver of peace.
  67. शुद्धाय नम: – Salutations to the pure one.
  68. शंकरप्रिय बांधवाय नम: – Salutations to the beloved brother of Shankara.
  69. अष्टमूर्तये नम: – Salutations to the one with eight forms.
  70. निधिशाय नम: – Salutations to the one who resides in treasures.
  71. ज्ञानचक्षुषे नम: – Salutations to the one with the eye of knowledge.
  72. तपोमयाय नम: – Salutations to the embodiment of austerity.
  73. अष्टाधाराय नम: – Salutations to the one who upholds the eightfold path.
  74. षडाधाराय नम: – Salutations to the one who upholds the sixfold path.
  75. सर्पयुक्ताय नम: – Salutations to the one adorned with serpents.
  76. शिखिसखाय नम: – Salutations to the friend of the peacock.
  77. भूधराय नम: – Salutations to the one who supports the earth.
  78. भूधराधीशाय नम: – Salutations to the lord of mountains.
  79. भूपतये नम: – Salutations to the lord of the earth.
  80. भूधरात्मजाय नम: – Salutations to the son of the earth (mountains).
  81. कपालधारिणे नम: – Salutations to the one who holds a skull.
  82. मुण्डिने नम: – Salutations to the one with a shaved head.
  83. नाग-यज्ञोपवीत-वते नम: – Salutations to the one who wears a serpent as a sacred thread.
  84. जृम्भणाय नम: – Salutations to the one who causes yawning or expansion.
  85. मोहनाय नम: – Salutations to the one who deludes or enchants.
  86. स्तम्भिने नम: – Salutations to the one who paralyzes or immobilizes.
  87. मारणाय नम: – Salutations to the one who causes death.
  88. क्षोभणाय नम: – Salutations to the one who agitates or disturbs.
  89. शुद्ध-नीलांजन-प्रख्य-देहाय नम: – Salutations to the one whose body shines like pure blue collyrium.
  90. मुंडविभूषणाय नम: – Salutations to the one adorned with skulls.
  91. बलिभुजे नम: – Salutations to the one who consumes offerings.
  92. बलिभुंगनाथाय नम: – Salutations to the lord who consumes offerings.
  93. बालाय नम: – Salutations to the childlike one.
  94. बालपराक्रमाय नम: – Salutations to the one with youthful valor.
  95. सर्वापत्-तारणाय नम: – Salutations to the one who saves from all dangers.
  96. दुर्गाय नम: – Salutations to the one who is difficult to approach.
  97. दुष्ट-भूत-निषेविताय नम: – Salutations to the one who is served by evil spirits.
  98. कामिने नम: – Salutations to the one who fulfills desires.
  99. कला-निधये नम: – Salutations to the treasure of all arts.
  100. कांताय नम: – Salutations to the beloved one.
  101. कामिनी-वश-कृद्-वशिने नम: – Salutations to the one who subjugates women.
  102. जगद्-रक्षा-कराय नम: – Salutations to the one who protects the world.
  103. अनंताय नम: – Salutations to the infinite one.
  104. माया-मन्त्रौषधी-मयाय नम: – Salutations to the one who is the essence of illusions, mantras, and medicines.
  105. सर्वसिद्धि प्रदाय नम: – Salutations to the one who grants all perfections.
  106. वैद्याय नम: – Salutations to the divine physician.
  107. प्रभविष्णवे नम: – Salutations to the all-powerful one.
  108. विष्णवे नम: – Salutations to the all-pervading one.
Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali
Immerse yourself in Batuka Bhairava Kavach in Sadgurudev’s voice.

Benefits of Chanting Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Chanting the Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali is believed to grant numerous spiritual and worldly benefits:

  • Protection from Evil Forces: The powerful vibrations of these names dispel negative energies and protect the devotee from harm.
  • Fulfillment of Desires: Regular chanting helps in fulfilling the desires of the devotee, as the energies invoked can manifest blessings.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: The stotra aids in removing obstacles, whether they are physical, mental, or spiritual.
  • Spiritual Growth: Devotees experience heightened spiritual awareness and connection to the divine.

अष्टोत्तर-शतं नाम्नां, भैरवस्य महात्मनः। मया ते कथितं   देवि, रहस्य  सर्व-कामदम्॥ य इदं पठते स्तोत्रं, नामाष्ट-शतमुत्तमम्। न तस्य दुरितं किञ्चिन्न च भूत-भयं तथा॥

“These 108 names of the great Batuka Bhairava, Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali are a secret source of all desires being fulfilled. Whoever recites this stotra will have no misfortunes, no fear of ghosts, and will be free from sins.”


The Batuka Bhairava Ashtottara Shatanamavali is a potent tool for anyone seeking protection, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Regular recitation with devotion can lead to transformative results, helping devotees overcome life’s challenges with the blessings of Batuka Bhairava.

It is very crucial for one to have a competent guru to dive deeper in tantric lineage. If you are interested then please do check this link.

About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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