Black magic: What is it, exactly?

Black Magic Rituals

Q. Black magic: what is it, exactly?

A. Black magic is an old practice that makes use of the five elements—chemistry, physics, biology, electronics, and the ether (universal spirit)—to either harm or help someone. All forms of black magic have their origins in the afterlife.

Q. Who practices black magic, and what motivates its practitioners?

A. Black magic can only be performed by those who have perfected the skill. Black Magicians follow a procedure that might take weeks or months and involves contacting the spirit world, performing rituals, and making animal sacrifices (often human sacrifices) to join hands with the spirit world. Once they’ve mastered the method, they’ll be able to command the spirits around the clock. Then, these ghosts are called upon to learn any and all personal details about anybody, as well as to cause physical injury or even death. Some people use black magicians to destroy their loved ones, colleagues, and coworkers because they are motivated by jealously, rage, hate, and other bad emotions. At the present time, many attorneys are turning to black magicians for assistance in the legal systems of their respective countries. Politicians and businesspeople from all around the world are utilizing it to get an edge over their rivals.

Q. Can someone fall prey to the supernatural if no one has ever performed any form of black magic on them?

A.  Statistically speaking, women are more vulnerable to the supernatural than males. Spirits are everywhere and can take control of a woman’s body at any time if the conditions are right, but during menstruation, her Auric shield is particularly vulnerable. This means that she should avoid going near cemeteries, rivers, lakes, or trees, wearing perfumes, consuming alcohol or drugs, not washing herself, and entertaining negative or sexual thoughts. However, men’s Auric shields get compromised when they engage in risky behaviors like substance abuse, heavy drinking, or relationships with possessed or dirty women. In cases of severe illness or trauma, the protective shield around the Aura might weaken in both sexes.

Q. To what extent may one be harmed by black magic, and what consequences could one expect to feel if one were a victim of it?

A. Here is a list of potential signs that you are a victim of witchcraft or black magic.

On the Inside

-dizziness, inattention, brain fog, and other symptoms of diminished mental acuity

-dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, and eye pain

-difficulty remembering where you put things, disorganized thought processes, and amnesia

Your Feelings

-feelings of despair, helplessness

Depression, hopelessness, and thoughts of harming or killing oneself

-anger, causing harm to oneself and others

being overwhelmed with and unable to manage one’s emotional responses

As You Dream (which relates to your head, body, emotions, and mind)

-insomnia, extreme weariness even after a full night’s rest

-It’s quite challenging to get out of bed in the morning.

-insomnia, characterised by a recurrent pattern of falling asleep and then being jarred up

Insomnia, Nightmares, Night Terrors

-a lack of dreaming or dream recall

With God and in Your Spiritual Life

inability to pray or worship, indifference in reading your sacred text

frustrated with God or placing the blame on God

Concerning Your SexualitySHRI KAAL BHAIRAV ASHRAM

The inclination to engage in sexually deviant or adulterous

-extreme sexual desire, inexhaustible sex urge, and a complete absence of sex need

Within Your Physical Self

– feeling ill after consuming food that was not cooked by you

symptoms of nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, bloating, and heartburn

Constant scratching and inadvertent wounding is a symptom.


Extreme heat, as if the body were on fire

-any and all forms of disease or illness

-involuntary shakiness

Visualize It

dread of persons or places

-worry, hysteria

hearing voices

-intrusive, repetitive, and repetitive ideas

When you’re going through a period of “feeling like you’re going mad,”

-mental agitation, an inability to maintain mental composure

-substance abuse disorders

bingeing on food or other substances

attraction to supernatural media, artefacts, entertainment, etc.

In Your Own Home

-disorder, continual or pointless bickering


Dissociation: the inability to form or maintain relationships

-isolated connections

On the screens of your various electronic gadgets

malfunctioning electronics

-hearing eerie electrical buzzing and humming

-unexpected voice recordings caused by phones or applications

-flashing lights

-defective or malfunctioning electronics

-constantly being startled

Trouble Accessing Online Content

Irretrievable loss of data

At Your Residence

-having your name called by another person

There’s no answer when you ring the doorbell or pick up the phone:

The sound of something running up in the roof or attic

A banging or cracking sound coming from the windows

Q. Can I still be a victim if I eat only vegetarian food, believe in God, and meditate regularly?

A. It makes no difference if you eat meat or are a vegetarian if you are a devout Christian who meditates or prays every day. You will feel its effects if someone has cast black magic on you, and if “ash of the dead” (known as Masaan in Hindi or Urdu) has been ingested, you will become the black magician’s helpless puppet. In reality, the first thing a black magician does is tie your money and your God power so that you can’t go to a healer or beg for relief, and then they feed you the negatively charged items to break through your Auric barrier. Once a portal is created, bad spirits and beings can enter, damaging your Prana, infecting your body’s essential organs with negative energy, and sucking your blood dry.SHRI KAAL BHAIRAV ASHRAM

Q. How can I protect myself from the shadowy realm of black magicians and their evil spirit world if I am not experiencing any of the symptoms indicated on your website?

A. To avoid being a victim, consider the following safety measures.

  • Do not partake in any food or drink that is not freely shared with you.
  • When you consume desserts laced with “Ash of the Dead” and infused with negative mantra, a chink is created in your Auric shield, which may then be exploited to exert control over your physical and mental states.
  • Image, clothing, hair, nails, blood, saliva, skin tissue, and menstruation pads are all utilised in black magic rituals.
  • Black magic has a more noticeable influence on women than on males, and its consequences are more readily apparent in their daily lives.
  • When doing black magic, it is also possible to make contact with the victim by touching their body or staring directly into their eyes.
  • It is possible to do black magic through telephone. Don’t bother picking up the phone when an unknown or blocked number calls you; instead, let it go straight to voicemail.
  • Negative energies may be infused into anything with an aura and used to pierce the victim’s protective aura. Black magic may be performed using your photo, name, and your mother’s name, therefore you shouldn’t hand out personal details to just anybody. 

Q. I’ve been experiencing many of the life-threatening symptoms described on your page; is there anything I can do to treat myself?

A. Unless one has access to the Angelic Realm or has unwavering confidence in the world, treating oneself is fraught with peril.

A victim of crime has no idea who is responsible for their misfortune, what methods are being employed, what sort of bad energy is being directed at them, or why they are being targeted. You may be a strong and determined person, but attempting a reversal ritual on your own is risky because your enemy may be knowledgeable in such matters and you may end up receiving back the reversal energies that have multiplied, causing bodily, psychological, and spiritual harm to yourself and your loved ones.SHRI KAAL BHAIRAV ASHRAM

Furthermore, there is no way for you to triumph over your persecutors on your own if they are actively doing black magic against you. In order to counteract the dark magic being cast upon you, you should hire a professional to fight on your behalf. And since these people have evil minds, they will transfer your case to one of their associates before they die, so the black magic activity will continue against you for the rest of your life. If there is active black magic against you, you will never be able to win on your own, and the war will continue until either you or the black magician dies.

Q. Spending money on a professional’s assistance is something I’d rather avoid. Just what can I do on my own to counteract the evil spells?

A. If your adversaries have poisoned you with “Ash of the Dead,” no amount of mantras, meditations, or treatments will help you feel better, and they may even make things worse. Fasting, prayers, meditations, chanting’s, and the appropriate sort of food will help you take care of your issue or maintain protecting you for some time if the situation is not serious, but if there is continuing magic, there is no way to treat yourself. However, these treatments may bring up underlying difficulties that you struggle to manage, which might make your condition more worse. There is no method to tackle black magic on your own unless you have access to the Angelic Realm or the Spirit realm.SHRI KAAL BHAIRAV ASHRAM

Q. Justification for the recurring cost 

A. Like other forms of recovery, ours isn’t a one-and-done deal. One-time healing can only alleviate symptoms for a few hours to a few days at most if you are the subject of persistent black magic. For a one-time healing session, many healers and tantriks would charge you thousands of dollars. We are aware of this fact, which is why we offer our clients a flat monthly cost in exchange for round-the-clock medical care. One hour consultations with psychologists, physicians, and other experts cost more than what we charge for an entire month of unlimited access to our services.

If you believe our prices are too high or you just do not want to pay for the healing, you can find a faith healer in your church community who will do so for free. Facebook has several healing groups where you may publish your request and find many ready to assist you. black magic near me

About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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About Author:

Picture of Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Sadgurudev Shri Taramani Ji

Enlightened Guru of our times. Beloved to his disciples. Expert in Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Astrology.

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